Cisco Identity Services Engine Announced

20 April 2011
Cisco Systems announced on 19/3/2011 their new Identity Services Engine (ISE) platform which is the one of the main components of their over arching Trustsec architecture.

The full product brief is here:
Cisco ISE

ISE according to Cisco will tactically replace the existing NAC Appliance deployment model. NAC appliance will still be supported by Cisco and isn’t end of sale at the time of writing, however according to Cisco┬áall new┬áinstallations should be delivered on ISE once it is shipping.

The ISE platform, according to the Cisco product release material, also seems to be targetted as a replacement for Cisco Secure ACS and migration part codes are available. Some ACS configurations do however require version 2.0 of the ISE software to become available before migration should be attempted.

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