2nd February 2012
EoS of Cisco 6500 Supervisor Engine Modules Sup32 + Sup720
Hard on the heels of yesterday’s announcements of new products from Cisco, a slew of end of sale notices has also just followed.
Of particular note is the EoS of the Supervisor 32, and non 10 Gigabit versions of the Supervisor 720 – both of these are the main controller modules for the 6500 chassis.
Replacements are somewhat interesting.
For the Sup32, the recommended replacement is either the 10 Gig version of the Sup 720, or the new Sup 2T.
For the Sup 720, the recommended replacement is the same.
So for customers who had been installing the Sup32 the Cisco recommended replacement module at least doubles in price to RRP £17k EACH or higher in some configurations.
Obviously the age of austerity that we are all living in doesn’t apply to Cisco customers,or at least Cisco don’t think so.
The full EoS notices are here and here
Barry Hesk